'영어'에 해당되는 글 28건

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Something that's happening far more frequently than any of us thought; silent strokes.

And they could explain that increasing memory loss over the years.
We learned today that 11 million Americans a year suffer from these hidden strokes and tonight, what you can do.

They're called silent storkes because there are no symptoms.

A regular stroke kills a large sections of the brain in an instant, knocking out(없애다, 쓰러 뜨리다) language or causing paralysis(마비).
Silent strokes do their damage a little bit at a time.

In each silent stroke, a tiny blood vessel closes down, or is blocked by a clot(덩어리), the surrounding cells die.
Just one silent stroke has little or no effect. But over time, the damage builds. 

The new research found these strokes can start after age 30, increasing in number each decade.
By age 70, one-third of the population is having a silent stroke each year. The researchers studied about 700 elderly people without dementia(치매).

Brain scans revealed nearly a fourth of them had damage to the brain left by these silent strokes.
Those who had these spots did worse on memory tests.

It's becoming more and more apparent that these storkes not only affect us physically but also mentally.

Researchers say now that they know to look for spots like these on the brain, they can use these MRI scans to help identify people who've had a silent stroke.

It possibly gives us a target for earlier intervention on people to be able to identify them and institute interventions.

The good news? Silent strokes are preventable, if we cut risk factors like obesity, high blood pressure, smoking and diabetes(당뇨병). So, with good choices, we can preserve good memories.

* institute [타동사][VN] (격식) (제도・정책 등을) 도입하다; (절차를) 시작하다


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원서 읽기 50분

영어 2012. 3. 8. 22:55

원서 읽기 50분에 도전

나의 전문 관심 분야의 책을 읽어야겠다는 생각에 최근 강의 교재를 선택.

50분 동안 소리내어 읽기. 13장 완료.

종합 감기로 코,목이 편치 않은 상태여서 그런가.

입이 얼얼하고 목이 더 마르다.

여튼 도전!

스피드 향상을 위해 앞으로 백번 천번 더 도전!

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