성의 없이 답하진 말 것.

너무 길게 답하진 말것. 30초 이내!

What did you do this morning?

It was a typical morning.

It was a usual morning.

It was a busy morning.

It was a hectic morning.

It was a slow morning.

I got up early to study English and do some chores.

I woke up early to read the newspaper and exercise.

I was busy doing my chores.

I usually check my email when I'm awake.

I read an article about the presidential election campaign.

I read a newspaper article concerning global economic recession.

I watched news concerning the effects of global warming on the environment.

I also spent an hour this morning preparing for today's interview.

I usually spend half an hour every morning doing light exercises such as taking a walk or stretching.

How did you get here today?

How did you come to this place?

I got here by bus and I arrived earlier than I thought.

I live in this area, so I walked here. It took me about 15 minutes.

I didn't want to be late, so I took the subway to avoid the traffic jam.

I wanted to be on time, so I took the subway.

Since I live far from here, I had to use public transportation to beat the rush hour traffic.

Since I live far away from here, I had to use public transportation.

I usually take advantage of the public transportation system to be on time.

It's efficient because it helps me avoid traffic congestion.

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